Our first edition of the IMCBio Summer School took place from June 28 to 30, 2023 at the Université de Strasbourg.
Organized by PhD students from IMCBio and with the support from colleagues from our five member institutes and the life science faculty, 2nd year bachelor students from five different Universities had the opportunity to learn about our Master program.

The 2,5 day event included visiting IMCBio’s member institutes to perform small experiments, learn about scientific instruments and platforms, discuss in round tables with researchers at different levels and listen to current research topics in Strasbourg.
In addition to experiencing IMCBio’s research, the students had the chance to tour the beautiful city of Strasbourg.
After this success, we are very much looking forward to next year’s Summer School.

Pictures from top to bottom and left to right: Plant cultures at IBMP; Demo of flourescent proteins at GMGM (photo credits: A. Gaudry); Seminar by Johann Böhm at IGBMC (photo: A. Navarro); Visit of the Insectarium at IBMC (photo: A. Gaudry) ; Alsatian Dinner (photo: S. Zuitton) ; Microfluidics demo at GMGM ; Welcome lecture by Bertrand Séraphin, director of IMCBio ; tour on the Bateau de l’Ill (photos by: A. Gaudry) ; Poster presentation of seven associated Masters at the Life Science Faculty (photo: A. Navarro).