We are glad to announce this year’s edition of the IMCBio Master Day, the starting point for Master-level recruitment in the IMCBio Graduate School. This day aligns with the “rentrée” of the University of Strasbourg. This year the IMCBio Master Day will take place on September 5, 2023 at the Palais Universitaire in Salle Pasteur, with a Poster Session in Salle Fustel. As in the previous years, we propose a stimulating program for both Master 1 and Master 2 students. The day will start with a presentation of the IMCBio Graduate School by its directors, followed by dynamic presentations of the summer internships by our M2 students, which will be presented in a graphical abstract format. During the lunch break, posters will offer opportunities to discuss with IMCBio researchers of ongoing projects and possibilities for internships in one of the IMCBio areas:
– Functional genomics and cancer
– Integrated structural biology
– Translational medicine and neurogenetics
– Mitochondrial function and dysfunction
– Viral hepatitis and liver diseases
The research areas will then be presented in more detail by the directors of IMCBio Research Clusters in the afternoon session.
We look forward to welcoming you all to this year’s IMCBio Master Day!