
All the best for 2025 ✨

The IMCBio team wish you the best for this new year. May all your scientific and personal projects be successful. 🎇

About that, our International PhD Call is still open until January 26 (account creation deadline January 19). If you want to start a PhD in October 2025 in a stimulating scientific environment, don’t miss this opportunity! 🚀


Our PhD Call for 2025 is now open!

You want to start a PhD in 2025? You are motivated, passionate by Molecular & Cellular Biology and want to be a part of an exiting scientific environment in Strabourg, France? Then apply here to our 2025 PhD Call!

You can register from November 25, 2024 to January 19, 2025 and can complete your application until January 26, 2025*!

More information on the dedicated page and the application website!

*Please note that PhD projects can be uplaoded during all the application phase.


2024 edition of the IMCBio Symposium incoming!

It is time to share with you the program of our 2024 edition of the IMCBio Symposium which will take place from 18th to 22th of November.
This Symposium is organized by our M2 students who invited all our lecturers and will manage the sessions!
The immunology sessions are organized in partneship with the Life Sciences Faculty of Strasbourg.

Each session is dedicated to a different thematic:
– Monday morning: plants biology and virology;
– Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning: immunology; in partnership with the Life Sciences Faculty of Strasbourg;
– Wednesday morning: structural biology;
– Tuesday morning: development;
– Friday morning: development, molecular biology and genetic.
And this year we have a new session:
– Friday afternoon: pharmaceutical and industrial sectors!

You can find the program below.

This Symposium is open to everyone, students, PhD candidates or researchers and lab staff (with for only restriction priority to the master students in case of limited places available).
Hope to see you next week!


Ethic, philosophy and history of sicences in the spotlight last week

Last week we organized our yearly courses dedicated to Ethic, philosophy and history of sciences for Master students of the Life Sciences Faculty of Strasbourg. This year again we were able to rely on our partners from EMBO from Heidelberg and from the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology from Paris.

Our students were able to benfit from stimulating workshops and very interesting lectures on practicals topics as research integrity and how to publish reproductible results, but also more philosophical topics as how to reconstruct the structure of a philosophical argument or the impact of AI in sciences and medicine for example.

The Strasbourg Botanical garden in beautful fall colors during the Ethic & Philosphy week.

A shiny 🌞 back-to-school day for IMCBio!

Yesterday the 3rd of September we held our annual IMCBio Master Day, and what a sunny day it was! ☀️
We welcomed over 60 master 1 students from our associated specilaties of the Life Science master from the Life Science Faculty of our University!

Our master 2 students presented their internships they did during the summer as a part of their IMCBio master program. They showed their work with a 3 minutes flash presentation and answered a lot of interesting questions. Our students did their internship in the laboratories of our ITI IMCBio+ research environment and some of them had the opportunity to go abroad; from Austria 🇦🇹 to USA 🇺🇸, via Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 or Spain 🇪🇸!
After that we had a sunny lunch and poster session with many participants from our research environement, thanks to them! ☀️
And we finished the day with the presentation of all our associtated cluster research, other parts of our ITI IMCBio+: MitoCross, HepSYS, INRT and NetRNA. 🔬

How to join our Master program? 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

You have until the 15th of September to submit your application here!
You can find more information here.

Hope to see you soon and wish everyone a great 2024-2025 academic year! 🚀