A portrait of our newly minted IMCBio PhD researchers
This week we have the last portrait: Eléonore, from France.
Eléonore Moittié – PhD Student – Magali Frugier & Michael Ryckelynck’s team, IBMC
Eléonore Moittié comes from Paris area. After a double bachelor degree in Biology and Mathematics at Sorbonne Université, she moved to Strasbourg, where she pursued her studies with a master degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics. In parallel to that, she joined the IMCBio graduate school, so that she could attend to extra conferences and do more lab internships. This is how she discovered the lab where she is currently doing her PhD.
She started her PhD in August in the team Digital Biology of RNA, at the IBMC, under the supervision of Magali Frugier and Michael Ryckelynck. She is working on a synthetic biology project, in which she is aiming to develop enzymes inhibitory aptamers, with therapeutic prospects.
“This interdisciplinary PhD project and the rich research environment of the IMCBio labs will allow me to pursue my goal to do research on the origins of life” she explains.