
IMCBio’s Master Day 2022 – Save the date! September 2nd

We are glad to announce the IMCBio Master Day 2022, which will be the starting point for Master-level recruitment in the IMCBio Graduate School. This day aligns with the French tradition of the “rentrée”. This year the IMCBio Master Day will take place on September 2, 2022 at the IGBMC in Illkirch. We propose a stimulating program for both Master 1 and Master 2 students. The Day will start with a presentation of the IMCBio Graduate School by its directors. Dynamic presentations of summer internships by our M2 students will proceed in a graphical abstract format. During the lunch break, posters will offer opportunities to discuss with IMCBio researchers of ongoing projects and possibilities for internships in one of the IMCBio areas:

Development and stem cells

Functional genomics and cancer

Integrated structural biology

Translational medicine and neurogenetics

Networks of regulatory RNAs

Mitochondrial function and dysfunction

Viral hepatitis and liver diseases

We look forward to welcoming you to the IMCBio Master Day!


PhD Call 2022 is open!

The IMCBio graduate school from the University of Strasbourg is recruiting!

The IMCBio graduate school from the University of Strasbourg is recruiting 20 PhD students in 2022 through its international PhD program.

This interdisciplinary program, funded by the PIA (“Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir” or “Investment Program for the Future”), provides PhD students with a 3-year doctoral contract, mobility support, high-level training sessions and access to state-of-the-art research platforms, as well as possibilities to travel abroad to learn new techniques.

The offered PhD research projects cover the IMCBio graduates school’s main research domains:

Development and stem cells

Functional genomics and cancer

Integrated structural biology

Translational medicine and neurogenetics

Networks of regulatory RNAs

Mitochondrial function and dysfunction

Viral hepatitis and liver diseases

If you are a highly motivated candidate of academic excellence and want to start an innovative research project in 2022, come and join us!

For more information on the admission and application, please follow this link.

Please note that 2022 applications will be submitted in 2 calls:

January – March, 2022: applications only from students requiring a Master degree equivalency at the University of Strasbourg (including all student studying toward a Master level diploma in 2022 from foreign Universities) and from student already holding a Master Degree;

May – June, 2022: applications for all students with Master diploma.